The epic tale of James hearts Sarah: James cleans up puke for Sarah. Years pass. James kisses Sarah outside of bar. It's what movies are made of...
But with all great movies, things didn't start out quite go so smoothly. After all, I was just a rebound and he just couldn't get rid of.
Before me came she. The ex. Sure James had loads of names in his little black book but that last girl hurt him good. Lies, betrayal, unfaithfulness...all the things that make up a not-so-great love story.
Even I had an encounter with the Ex way back when James and she dated. An encounter that resulted in me completely avoiding James and the Ex for a good year. Wanna ask me about the encounter? Only very, very few people know.
And I kinda like it like that.
So why am I writing about it when I won't spill the beans, dish the dirt, air my dirty laundry? Well, what's a vampire/human/werewolf love story that doesn't leave you scratching your head a little?
But that was 10 years ago. James, I believe, has moved on. But thanks to Facebook (the destroyer of thousands of relationships), guess who emailed the hubby?
Ex wrote that she was so sorry for the way she treated him, his family. That she knows that she was a horrible person back then but she's changed. She went on to say that she now has 4 kids (FOUR!) and has seen the error in her ways, blahblahblah.
Surprised? Yes!
Convinced? Not really.
Does it matter? Nopers
I do hope that Ex truly is changing her path only if it's for her children. I have no doubt that people can change for the better if they truly focus and put their mind to it. Perhaps this email is her way of getting the ball rolling. If that's the case, more power to her.
James reaction, I believe, was one of surprise and perhaps a bit of confusion and maybe even a bit of relief that he doesn't have four children with this woman. He asked "What, am I supposed to do, friend her now?" and to that I say, "No, no you do not". I think he'll actually take my advice on that one.
And so with barely a bump, our romantic comedy continues its course to the next hiccup. Here's hoping the next one includes George Clooney. Now wouldn't that be an awesome blog to read?
Your blog is wonderful! You are a great writer and I love your entries.
Thank you Diane! Your comment really made my day.
My fav:
Does it matter? Nopers.
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