It's weird being 33.
People call me an adult. This guy I live with calls me his wife. A little girl with a machine gun laugh calls me Mommy.
When did this all happen? When did I stop knowing who half the people on the red carpet are? When did I notice the first fine line beneath my eye? When did I get the overwhelming desire to tackle every high school boy with their stupid blown forward Justin Bieber looking hair do and shave them bald? When did I stop getting carded? When did the first grey pop out of my dark hair - just screaming to me "HAHAHAHAHA! YOU'RE OLD". Actually I was 23 when I discovered my first grey hair - you but still the beginning of the long draining spin cycle of aging.
Unfortunately, not many people got the memo about my birthday. I still went to work and no one even pulled over to get out of my way. I sat in my office and nobody delivered me a delicious lunch. Nobody took my picture as I drudged through a snowy sidewalk to my house. I really need to hire a better publicist for next year.
At least the husband and the daughter got the word. A yummy dinner and a 4 year old serenading me with "Happy Birthday" with my favorite - an ice cream cake.
(note: This is not my actual birthday cake. James does know better)
Here's to being 33! Cheers!
Happy, Happy Birthday!
You're not... OLD... You're... vintage :)
Happy birthday! You aren't old at all! But I know how you feel...
Hip Chick's Guide to PMS, Pregnancy, and Babies
Happy Birthday!!!
All good things get better with age... get your publicist working on next year!
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