Friday, June 17, 2011

Inspiration Spotlight!

I'm seeing an odd pattern with me.  I'm quite drawn to learning more about people who 1. like to and are extremely talented bakers and cooks and 2. those who have achieved wonderful fitness goals.  Food vs Fitness, Fitness vs Food.  Yes, this is the debate raging through my head at any moment of the day.

Let me introduce you to Michel - a runner, wife, mother, and a reluctant student of life with Autism.  Follow her journey at

Tell me about yourself and your family.
Married to an IT Specialist and have two little girls ages 5 and 3.

When and why did you start running?
I started running in January of 2009 after starting out with doing Leslie Sansone walking DVD's in my living room. The best way to start to move if you don't know where to start.

Can you tell us about your oldest daughter's Paige's (age 5) diagnosis and how she's doing?
Paige was diagnosed with a Global Developmental delay. She entered Early Childhood preschool 2 years ago and has done tremendously well. She's a little peer mentor for the other kids. She's funny, outgoing and just a great kid.

When Avery (age 3) was diagnosed with autism how did you react? How has that reaction changed over time?
When Avery was diagnosed it was a relief to get confirmation of what we had suspected for months. I don't know if my reaction has changed that much but my attitude in general has been not great. Not a I don't love my child type of attitude but an Autism sucks ass attitude. Dealing with an Autistic child affects every part of your lives from the simplest thing of going to the store to the larger things such as her educational future. We are dealing with it as best as we can and are hopeful for her future.

When did you start blogging?
I had a little blog I did for just myself and family to chronicle my weight loss with Weight Watchers back in 2007. I neglected it for awhile and then revisited the idea of blogging in 2009. I didn't start to get more into blogging and the running online community until the last year and half. Coming back from an injury at the beginning of 2010 I had some time to spare and found more blogs to read and it's a great way to reach out to others.

How do you balance everything in your life?
Waking up at the crack of butt to get my runs in before the kids wake up is basically the only way I can get things done when I have a training schedule to keep. And an understanding husband who likes to run and is supportive helps too.

Tell us about running a marathon and your decision to run on behalf of charities.
I decided to run the Chicago Marathon in 2010 in honor of my Mom who passed away in 2004 from complications after having heart surgery. I raised over $1,200 for the American Heart Association. Right before the marathon was when Avery was diagnosed with Autism last year. My husband and I decided that we would run this year to raise money for Autism research. So far we are at almost $1,200 and our goal right now is $1,500.

You run fun contests on your blog - many with prizes that runners would love.
I like to do contests to raise money for my causes because I know that the two causes I've supported in the last 2 years have affected almost everyone I know. It also seems to be a great way to know my readers as well. I will be running more contests during the summer. So some will be pure athletes and some will be a hodge podge of gift packages. Stay tuned!

Besides running, what do you do for fun?
I can't think of anything else besides running that I like to do. It's really the only time I get to be ME and get my frustrations out.

What's your favorite TV show?
The Big Bang Theory and Mike & Molly. I LOVE them both. Best stuff on television.

Ideal Mother's Day?
That's a hard question. I would love to do a race on Mothers Day. I came close this year. My birthday was 2 days before Mother's Day and the next day I did a half marathon in Kenosha and then there was Mothers Day. It was pretty nice. I called it MichelaPalooza. Everyone's birthday should be a three day fest!

I thank Michel for opening about her complicated but full-of-love life!  Visit her page to donate to Operation Jack benefitting Autism research.

1 comment:

Teamarcia said...

Yay! Michel rocks! Love the interview.