Monday, July 11, 2011

Weekly Weigh In - Week 7 & 8

I missed my weigh in last week since I was catching fireflies in Kentucky. 

Today was what I considered a big weigh in not only because I missed a week but also because I spent several days with James' family in the hills of KY.  I was nervous that the temptation of homemade breakfasts of biscuits and gravy, 4th of July fixins' and the inevitable sweet treat would cause me to once again fall of the plan and once again gain.

To add to the temptations of southern cuisine, once we got back in town, I also had dinner out on both Saturday and Sunday.  I hate having to weigh in on a Monday.

My goal since gaining those 2.whatever pounds was to not gain an ounce.

Maybe I sweated it off in the heat and humidity but somehow I managed to lose...3.2lbs.  I am now down a total 11.2lbs.  Which is great and happy and yay-ness dampened slightly by the fact that my WW leader wrote down that I was down 14 total lbs.  Isn't that false advertising by her? I think I should be automatically given those 14lbs off since it was her mistake afterall.

I really do love the program.  I really don't feel very deprived. I eat regular everyday food.  I do continue to obsess a bit and drive myself, and I'm sure James crazy. (I still weigh myself every morning).  Hopefully I can get a bit more zen about this process soon.

My Little Guide to Losing Weight On Vacation
- Continue to track
- Enjoy homemade peanut butter cookies with chocolate chip - even if it means skipping lunch
-Allow people to make accommodations for you (within reason of course).  I did not want to tell James' family about being on WW but word eventually got out.  His aunt was kind enough to grill some chicken breast for me on fried chicken day. (I did have a few bites of James' plate to satisfy the fried chicken craving).
-Exercise.  Well you should...I really didn't though.  I brought my sneakers so I had good intentions.  I did spend some time on "hikes" with Lillian and my nieces and everyday I thought greatly about going outside and climbing up and down a rather significant hill.
- Shoot a gun! OK, this won't help you lose weight but I forgot to mention in my last post that I shot a gun for the first time.  At a tree. 

I'll leave you with a funny:

“I’ve been on a constant diet for the last two decades. I’ve lost a total of 789 pounds. By all accounts, I should be hanging from a charm bracelet.” ~Erma Bombeck


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great job! Keep up the good work! :)