Thursday, August 25, 2011

5 Things I Don't Like

I hope not to offend anyone by my dislikes but if I do, feel free to make your own blog and put me or this site as your #1 Thing You Don't Like.  It's okay. I won't be offended.  I won't cry.
I'm sensitive you know.

These car decals are probably near the top of my "Things I Don't Like" list.  They annoy me.  Why? They just do <sheesh>

Mushrooms are #1 on my food hit list.  They are disgusting and I actually do lose a bit of respect for anyone who enjoys them.  That does include James and Lillian.

Sure, I like the look of heels but I hate wearing them.  Now that heels are pretty much a fashion must-have, I feel like less of a woman because I refuse to wear them often.  Will flats get trendy again?

I do not like you. I do not like you.  You are only popular because you are weird. There's nothing wrong with being weird but we all know its a big fat act that has made you mega rich.  Oh, and stop ripping off other artists. 

This is one I wish I did like.  At least in my past life when I actually went out to bars and clubs.  What's cheaper and easier to carry then a bottle of beer?  I hate having expensive tastes. 

Do you have a list? Blog about it or post it!


Nancy said...

Heh I like this idea, I might steal it if I may :)

Sarah said...

Please do! :)

Tracy said...

I hate car stickers like that, too. Now I know your kids' names and can say, "Hey Josh. Your mom was in an accident. You have to come with me to the hospital." AKA, your kid will get kidnapped like in Dexter and you'll never see them again because you wanted a stupid sticker on your car.