Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Weekly Weigh In - Putting Myself Out There

So this is the post where I put it all out there.  My pictures, my weight, all the gory dark little secrets that I so normally keep ever so guarded. 

I started way back in May and some parts of me feels like I should have lost more weight but I do know that slow and steady does win the weight loss weight.

So here I be...on my first day or WW and then today.  Down 23 lbs (Oh that's right, I lost only 0.4lbs this weigh in week so I'm at an even 23 lbs lost).

Different clothes, different zoom but you get the idea.  I don't see a huge difference but maybe a small one.

I weighed in on Day 1 at 202.4 lbs.  Not good, especially for a 5'4 frame.  It was definitely my highest weight outside of pregnancy.  Today, or at least Sunday when I weighed in, I was 179.4.  Being in the 170s felt pretty good. 

I haven't had a great week so hopefully I won't gain come this next Monday. 

So there you have it.  Me in the raw!

I want to thank you all for your wonderful support.  It really keeps me motivated which is exactly what I need in this journey!


Diane said...

There is definitely a big difference! Great job!!!

Mrs. Lukie said...

Sarah! I know you said that you don't see a big difference, but I can DEFINITELY see a big difference! Amazing job!

Mama Pickles said...

You look great! I can totally see the difference.