Wednesday, October 26, 2011


A week ago I would have written about being busy and just not having the time/energy to write.

This week, I laugh at last week (hahahahahaha!) and remember fondly how easy I had it.

Because last week, I had a functioning shower.  My car wasn't grinding brakes. I went to work at a place I like. I was healthy. 

This week, my bathroom has been gutted and refurbished.  My car is out of commission with bad brakes. I was selected to serve on a jury.  AND I have a cold.  I'm tired just typing that.

I cannot wait to write a blog or two about my jury experiences.  Right now, it's mums the word but when I 'm able to talk about the trial freely, you know I will.

It's been a strange experience though.  It feels very I'm not living my life - I'm just living in a crazy alternate universe where I either sit on a wooden chair around a table or I sit on a wooden chair in a court room.  One minute I was planning the rest of my day on the off chance I would be released early from the jury summons and the next I am sitting and hearing testimony and eatting really, really bad court food.  (Seriously, REALLY bad).

Your life completely changes as you have to re-arrange everything about you...Your job, Your family, Your sanity.

I've been itching to write something here since things got started on Monday but this will have to suffice for now. 

I know I've missed sharing my past 2 weigh ins.  So the results are......

October 13th =  -2lbs
October 20th = -0.8lbs

I'm not sure if I when I will weigh in next.  Although I have been going into work early before court the last couple of days, I will not be doing so tomorrow - my regular weigh in day.  I will try to find some time in the next few days to run into my local WW for a quick weigh in.  Not feeling too confident this week. 

1 comment:

Anna said...

Congrats on your weight loss! Keep up the good work!