Have you ever had one of those mornings when after you press the snooze button for a good hour, you finally sit up in bed, wipe the sleeping dust from your eyes and then just flop right back down on your pillow? Yea, that was my morning.
It's not so much that I was overly sleepy, I just didn't want to go into work today. It's going to be a hectic and stressful week both here and at home (as we prepare to go out of town again) and staying in bed seemed like the perfect solution to delaying the inevitable.
The hardest part of being lazy like this is not the panic once I do actually get out of bed but it is the likelihood of Lillian waking up grows immensely. Don't get me wrong, I love seeing Lillian before I go to work but the girl knows how to lay down a guilt trip like nobody's business.
As I was finishing upstairs, about to escape - Lillian comes stomping (she doesn't know how to walk like a normal person, she stomps) out of her room, her hair less Justin Bieber-like and more Tina Turner looking. She runs to me and I get to just hold her. Maybe the guilt trip is worth it.
Of course, this slows down my progress of getting out the door even more significantly. I "make" her breakfast which today happens to be a donut that she didn't eat from the weekend but is supplemented by a cup of milk and sliced up strawberries. The girl loves her fruit.
When it is finally time to leave, I get the "Mommy, why do you have to work?" and I reply with "Mommy needs to make money so we eat and have a house". Her "But I want you to stay with me." and this goes on and on. Luckily my sadness turned to laughter when she said "You bring home your money from work and put it in my piggy bank."
Ok, so I will stop procrastinating and announce my weight GAIN for the week. Yup, I gained but honestly, I did expect it. I didn't track at all this week and being on vacation was just too big of a temptation for me. I am up 2.8lbs so am now back to only 8lbs lost.
Not the end of the world. It was totally expected. But I'm still a bit disappointed. I am happy to have a new, fresh week but heading to Kentucky makes me really nervous. I don't want to gain again with the excuse that I'm on vacation. But Kentucky - a family visit - is often filled with biscuits and gravy and fried chicken. James' aunt makes all the good southern food for when her boys visit. I think I'm in trouble!!
But I will try and if I gain or even maintain, I will just try again. It feels good to finally feel motivated about weight loss....I don't want to lose that again.
I don't know if this will help you, but it has helped me & many of the athletes I coach during Nutrition Challenges:
"There will ALWAYS be a reason to "cheat." It will always be someone's birthday, promotion, anniversary, graduation, so on & so forth. On the same note, there will always be an excuse as to why you 'deserve' to eat crappy foods. What it comes down to is...is it worth it to you mentally to see the scale go up up up? Is it worth it to you physically to eat the crappy food & feel crappy afterward? Is it worth it to you to maintain the motivation & self control to just have 1 or 2 bites, instead of 1 or 2 servings?"
You're doing so well on the weight loss, Sarah...keep it up!
Nothing wrong with a little gain as long as you enjoyed it and reign it back in! I am so proud of you and love reading about your progress.
I also LOVE Sarah's advice. It puts it all into perspective - you can cheat because it's any day, but is it worth it!
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