Monday, May 16, 2011

I'm All Signed Up!

I have 4 or 5 posts in my draft area that I haven't finished yet.  At this point, I think I'll be deleting my Mother's Day post. 

I did want to write a couple of updates of things that have been on the horizon.

1. I applied to and was accepted into a Master's of Health Administration program for the fall.  Today, I actually just registered for my first class - Organizational and Human Resource Management.  I will be attending a private University which happens to offer this degree entirely online.  Right now, I am pretty zen about the whole thing.  I do have moments of nervousness especially with the online portion of this story.  I started college back when email was just getting popular. Although I am technological semi savvy, the change from a traditional classroom setting is a bit daunting.

If I take one class a semester (Fall, Winter, Summer), I can finish in 3 years.  I hope to be able to do it in less time than that but I am not going to push myself.  I decided to only take one class to start off with in a traditional 14 week setting.  I can always chose to do an accelerated 8 week course in the future.

For those of you who have taken online courses, where is the cheapest place to buy books from?  I had forgotten just how expensive those pesky things are.

2.  Today, I also officially signed up for Weight Watchers! Hooray!  I have been wanting to join for quite some time but just couldn't manage the weekly cost.  Now my work is covering the majority of the cost and the money I am putting forward can be refunded if I meet certain goals! 

This is coming just in time since my "big" clothes are starting to feel a bit tight.  Hopefully this will be the motivation I need.....

Plus, my supervisor gave me a free 3 month pass to a health club that she won in a raffle.  Now I REALLY have no excuse to shed some of these pounds.


Mrs. Lukie said...

Oh my goodness! Congratulations, Sarah! So excited & happy for you...about everything :)

I used Amazon a lot for my textbooks (for both online and in person classes--so much cheaper!)

One thing that always helped me with my online undergrad courses was to map out a time every day (or every T/Th, or whatever) just like a "regular" class, to do my studying, etc. I put it in my planner and wouldn't allow myself to 'cancel' just like I wouldn't with a real class. It worked really well for me.

Best of luck!

Diane said...

I haven't been in school in ages, but my little cousins use and

Good luck!

Rebecca said...


Anonymous said...

Oh yay congrats!!

Angel The Alien said...

Wow, you can get through school in three years by just taking one class per semester? I wish I had done it that way! I'm working on my BA in special ed teaching, and have been going part time for about 7 years! Now going full time, just to crank it out and be done. As for books, I've been told by classmates (I haven't tried this yet, but I plan to next semester) to rent books from (I know there are also other sites... I just remember because there was a poster at my school... but you could probably do a Google search and find others!)