Monday, September 26, 2011

Weekly Weigh In - Catching Up!

I am reclaiming my life!
The Heart Walk is over so I am hoping that I actually am able to get back on track here at work and even at home.  I have put so much energy into making sure the hospital has a successful turnout (both money and people) for Saturday that I have put a lot of work on the back burner.  Home life has been treated poorly, as well, as I have been physically exhausted by the time I get home.
The the Heart Walk. It wasn't that cold out but she looks so darn cute.

The good news on working so much is that I didn't really get much chance to over eat.  Now, don't you guys worry, I certainly made up for it over the weekend.   On my new weigh in day, Thursday, I was down 3.2 lbs for a total weight loss of 24.8 lbs.  Come on 25!!!

After Saturday's walk, I was feeling oh-so-good plus I had an expiring Groupon, I shipped dear sweet Lillian off to her cousins' house and James & I treated ourselves to tapas and sangria.  Yum and yum.

I ate bread. With butter.  A lot of it. 

It was good. Reallll good.

This is what I like about weighing in on Thursday mornings now.  Even though I have to be at work at 7:30am (that's early btw), I don't have to feel like I'm depriving myself on the weekends in fear of gaining weight.  Yes, it's the same points that I am using no matter the weigh in day, but I do think it makes a difference. 

Even though I did fall off plan on Saturday (I didn't even bother tracking and I am just going to assume that I used up all my "extra" points), I am actually still very determined to lose weight this week.  Just you watch!

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