Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Little Steps, Big Steps

I've lived in the same house for 6.5 years, I've been married to the same man for almost 7 years, and I've had the same kid for 4 years.  I need some changes in my life and besides my house, I'm not willing to part with the other couple of life commitments.  Getting the new job was a great start but has left me wanting more.

Little Step:  As an update to my post below, I did take the first step by calling the  boot camp folks. Since I would be taking the class before work, I asked if there was shower facilities since I knew summer classes were held outdoors.  Nope, no showers.  How could this not be an issue for everyone else doing the early morning boot camp?  But, thankfully, she was very friendly and didn't want me wasting my $20 and extended the deadline to use the deal into the fall/winter.  So I bought myself some time.  Maybe I will start exercising now so boot camp doesn't kick my behind  up and down those bleacher steps. That would probably be a wise decision.  Particularly wise seeing that the only pair of shorts that I own no longer fit.  Whoops.

Big Step:  One of the biggest  and scarier things I am contemplating is going back to school for my Masters.  After getting a really rave review from the COO at work, I am for the first time feeling confident about where my career is headed. I've been researching schools, trying to find something that I can do online.  I found one private university not horribly far from me that just feels right.  They have a Masters program for Health Care Administration entirely online.  Having the online classes is essential for me and the cost is equivalent to any of the class room based programs that I have found.  

I am scared.  I haven't been in school since 2000.  I don't remember how to study or take tests.  I certainly don't know how online programs work.  The internet was only gaining popularity when I entered college.  Email was new.  Everyone chatted on ICQ. I am, for the most part, computer literate, taking a course online (if you do not count the class you take for getting a speeding ticket) however,  is completely foreign to me. 

 I'm jumping in with both feet though but that is not necessarily a good thing.  As I've mentioned before I tend to do just that and then I fizzle.  Going back to school, I just can not fizzle.  I have this picture in my head of me in my cap and gown with my Lillian and James standing besides me proudly.  I want to take that picture. 

If anyone has any advice on working full time and going to school all the while caring for your child(ren) and keeping the ol marriage flames burning, please let me know.  Also, any advice on financial aid would be grand too.

If things go as planned, this fall may be a very busy one.  But I'm ready for a new chapter - a new challenge.   Looking forward to sharing it with you all. 


Unknown said...

Sarah- I just today realized that 'spots on the brain' were your words. I can be so stupid sometimes! You made me laugh and think about how many of "us" there are out there...I jump head first into EVERYTHING (with the exception of a few past relationships...) and rarely finish what I start. I don't have the kids, but I am "back in school" for the 4th or 5th time. The reason it is the 4th or 5th time is because I never finished it the last time. And I have changed my focus every attempt. The advice I can give you is to do it while you think you can. If you wait until a "better" time in your life, maybe there won't be any time at all. Now is the time, while it is still fresh in your head and ambitions are high! Online classes are also foreign to me, so I can't help you there. All I can say is that you can do it. If you can stay faithful to a blog, you can stay faithful to school!

And, I will definitely be reading more of your spots. Very creative!
Good Luck with your new decision!

Nicole :)

Unknown said...

I probably should have said which Nicole this is...Petreust :)

Kelli said...

That is an awesome decision Momma D!

Like you - I haven't been in school in over 10 years and I'm a bit scared to start up classes again. One thing I've started doing is a checklist of what needs to get done that week, the look at my weekly schedule and put the pieces together. Liek today - I realized I'm out of a few things at home, don't need to do a HUGE run to the store and I have a break between 3-4 today. So I'm leaving work a bit early, swinging by Kmart on my way to the train, and now I've freed up my night to tackle other things on my list.

Also - don't sweat the small stuff. Didn't get to do a deep clean of the bathroom - not a big deal - just wipe it all down with a towel in the morning :)

I am so excited for you and can't wait to hear all about it as you go through! You can do this Momma!

Anonymous said...

I think it's a great idea and direction for you! It'll be tough balancing everything, but that mental picture should help pull you through.