Thursday, March 17, 2011

What Did I Sign Up For?

Well that was stupid.  At least I'm feeling stupid right now, hopefully as I read back on this one day, I will see this as a wonderfully brilliant move.

The scene:
The night was still and quiet.  The girl was in bed and I had just finished the dishes.  On my couch, I sat back with my loyal laptop and perused through a day's worth of missed emails, Facebook posts, and daily deals. Was it being sleepy or just fried from a long day at work that made me click one too many times on the LivingSocial deal promoting a 4 week - 3 day a week - fitness boot camp. Perhaps divine intervention? 

Yes, I was interested.  Yes, it was a great deal.  But no...I say NO...I was not quite ready to take the plunge into exercise hell. I was curious to see what the details were so I kept clicking and clicking and then the deal was done. Whoops. And I am entirely too cheap to waste this $20 and just chicken least for now. 

I have my concerns.  Getting up early is not my cup of coffee. Perhaps because I do not like coffee and caffeine might as well be water to my body.   Last summer when I "trained" for a 5K run, I was all good waking up early before work...and even on the weekends for let's say a good month.  Then I slacked.  I slacked bad.  Baaaddd.   Once the 5K run came by I was surprised that the pregnant lady walking with a stroller didn't pass me by because lord knows, both grandma and grandpa blew by me. 

It all goes back to my first post here when I mentioned being all gung-ho about something but rather quickly lose steam.  But this is only 4 weeks - I could verylikelymaybe do a month of waking up extra early.  Right?

Truth be told.  I am scared.  Like really truly scared about this and I have not even yet gotten my email with the details inside.  I exercise. Occasionally.  I even bought Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred and a pair of weights.  A few months ago.  Yep, you guessed it.  Haven't used yet.  I do love yoga but I feel like doing some moderate yoga in my living room at night has not exactly prepared me for running up and down bleacher stairs  Oh speaking of the bleacher stairs - okay you expect me to run up and down them when I have always had an incredible fear of falling down them.  Every time I have ever WALKED up or down bleachers, I freak out deep down inside.  Running?  That just cannot be safe!!

And so lucky readers, I will share this new adventure with you.  I do not know when I will be able to start since 349 people as of a minute ago has purchased the same deal and there is a class size limit.  I will be sure to keep you all updated.

Although it may not be my choice...would you rather do a boot camp style out side in the summer (early morning hours) or in the winter/spring indoors?

Update:  I wrote this a few days ago.  I am now even less enthused about this then before.  I'm supposed to call to schedule my session.  I haven't called.  Will I?


Kathryn said...

CALL! :)

Mrs. Lukie said...

Call. Give it a shot. If you hate it, you're only out $20. If you love it, well... :)

Unknown said...

Maybe you and Sam (my duaghter)should talk. Sounds like you have the same fear. You can do it!!!

Steph said...

Call them! You just may surprise yourself!

Nancy said...

Good Luck!!