Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Exercise gurus - I need you!

When I started at the gym last week, I, on a whim signed up for a 45 minute cardio class 3 days a week.  The instructor said she changes things up - sometimes in a class, sometimes at machines, etc. 

Today, was my first class.  Now, I've exercised before.  It's not a completely foreign thing to me but admittedly, I am not a regular worker outer.  I knew this would be hard but my God, I think I was dropped into the bowels of Hell.

It's a small small that I was in fact, the only person who showed today.  Instructor was evil kind enough to just have a one-on-one session with me.  A little personal training.  Started off - walked one lap, jogged one lap.  I lost count how many times.  Normally, I would be like Okay, thanks - see you on Friday! but alas we had 35 more minutes to go.

We did a bunch of different stuff but not long after the run/walk, my stomach began to feel rather topsy turvey.  I so did not want to toss my cookies right there in the middle gym. So I stopped and got a drink of water and I did get better but that general queasiness just did not go away. 

My question to you gurus: Will this just get better over time?  Any way to get this to not happen?  Not sure if it matters but I had half a whole grain bagel and a little bit of peanut butter on my way to the gym.  I didn't want too much in my tummy but didn't want it to be empty either.

In the end, I so don't want to go back.   I want to hide under my covers and never set foot in that gym again.  I want to staple my hand to my steering wheel so I can't exit the car. But I am keeping to the promise that it will get better as I get stronger.  I don't quite believe it yet but hopefully it will be sooner rather than later.


Karyn said...

It gets better! Now I'm by no means doing all the cardio you are but a month ago I could barely get through walking a half mile several days a week and now I'm doing a full mile just about every day. You CAN do it!

Mrs. Lukie said...

I personally don't (and have never been able to) eat within 2 hours of working out. It makes me nauseous & throw up :-/ ESPECIALLY when I'm doing intense cardio stuff.

If I'm going to have anything to eat at all any sooner than 2 hours before I work out, it's something like a banana, and only a banana.

Maybe try that?

Anna Rain said...

I get sick if I get too much heat or over exert myself. Usually my head goes first (light headed), then if I don't cool it, I'll be pretty ill.

It does get better as you build up your tolerance, at least it does for me... I don't push past the limit though. Usually my goal is to do as much as I can without getting sick, lightheaded, or a headache!

Anonymous said...

I hate exercising. I think you may actually be God. ;)

What'd the teacher say about it? She has to have seen it all.