Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tuesday: Worse then Monday?

I was planning on posting this on Monday but, well, I forgot.  Instead of waiting until next Monday, I began to think that really, Tuesday is just as bad or if not worse then Monday.  Sure you have one day down but it's still a long week ahead of you.  You're just stuck in the middle.   Wednesday you see hope and you can make as many innuendos as you would like about Hump Day.

I wanted to share a link to one of my all time favorite blog posts. The first time I read it, I could not help but to say "YES! YES!".  Because, we have all had one of those days.  So I share with you this post by Hyperbole and a Half.  While you're there, check out her other posts whenever you need a good laugh.

Sneaky Hate Spiral

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