Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Another Year Older

It's weird being 33. 

People call me an adult.  This guy I live with calls me his wife.  A little girl with a machine gun laugh calls me Mommy. 

When did this all happen?  When did I stop knowing who half the people on the red carpet are?  When did I notice the first fine line beneath my eye?  When did I get the overwhelming desire to tackle every high school boy with their stupid blown forward Justin Bieber looking hair do and shave them bald? When did I stop getting carded? When did the first grey pop out of my dark hair - just screaming to me "HAHAHAHAHA! YOU'RE OLD".  Actually I was 23 when I discovered my first grey hair - you but still the beginning of the long draining spin cycle of aging. 

Unfortunately, not many people got the memo about my birthday.  I still went to work and no one even pulled over to get out of my way.  I sat in my office and nobody delivered me a delicious lunch.  Nobody took my picture as I drudged through a snowy sidewalk to my house.  I really need to hire a better publicist for next year.

At least the husband and the daughter got the word.  A yummy dinner and a 4 year old serenading me with "Happy Birthday" with my favorite - an ice cream cake.  

(note: This is not my actual birthday cake.  James does know better)

Here's to being 33! Cheers!


Unknown said...

Happy, Happy Birthday!
You're not... OLD... You're... vintage :)

DP said...

Happy birthday! You aren't old at all! But I know how you feel...

Hip Chick's Guide to PMS, Pregnancy, and Babies

Nancy said...

Happy Birthday!!!

Anonymous said...

All good things get better with age... get your publicist working on next year!